If you were divorced outside of Canada and wish to remarry in Canada, you will need to demonstrate that your divorce was legal in the jurisdiction where it was granted. 

A foreign divorce opinion letter is a legal requirement for those who wish to remarry in Canada. The divorce opinion letter will state that your divorce is valid and recognized in Canada under the Federal Divorce Act. It is recommended that you plan and seek the opinion of a family lawyer before you remarry. 

If the foreign divorce is not in English or French, you must have the document translated and an affidavit sworn by a certified translator before you can obtain an opinion letter from a lawyer. 

Is your foreign divorce valid in Canada?

For your divorce to be valid in Canada, you must be able to demonstrate that 

  1. Your divorce was obtained outside of Canada because you had a “real and substantial” connection to the jurisdiction where your divorce was granted. a)If you have a strong and substantial support network. Your parents and siblings reside in the jurisdiction where your divorce was granted. b)You have strong family connections to the country where you divorce was granted.
  2. Prior to your divorce being granted either you or your former partner had been living in the country for a at least 1 year. 

You will need the following to remarry in Ontario

  • Original Ontario marriage license application signed by the parties who intend to get married. The marriage license application can be found at
  • An original or court-certified copy of your divorce judgement or certificate in English or French.
  • The Statement of Sole Responsibility for each foreign divorce.  This form can be found https://www.forms.ssb.gov.on.ca/mbs/ssb/forms/ssbforms.nsf/FormDetail?OpenForm&ACT=RDR&TAB=PROFILE&SRCH=1&ENV=WWE&TIT=11025e&NO=007-11025E
  • Foreign Divorce Opinion Letter from an Ontario lawyer, addressed to intended spouses, explaining why the foreign divorce should be recognized in Ontario.

We can help you navigate through this process easily and quickly. Give us a call or book an appointment. You can meet us at our office or we can provide this online.